Recent Immigrant is a person who leaves India to settle permanently in another country.
NR Connect
Recent Immigrant
Who is a Recent Immigrant?
Can a Recent Immigrant continue to hold Indian Assets?
Is RBI permission required by Recent Immigrant for retaining their Indian assets after they leave India?
What shall be the impact on Indian Assets?
Can a person continue to hold and operate Resident banking account once he leaves India?
Can a person continue to hold shares and securities of Indian Companies on leaving India?
Is an individual required to obtain any certificate from Indian Income Tax Department while departing India for good?
Can Recent Immigrant continue to operate his / her business in India or continue to be a partner in a Registered Firm in India?
Can a person who had bought immovable property, when he was a resident, continue to hold such property even after becoming a Non-Resident? In which account can the sale proceeds of such immovable property be credited?
Can the sale proceeds of the immovable property referred to in above question be remitted abroad?
What are points to be kept in mind by a person leaving India?
What shall be the tax liability of a Recent Immigrant in India on income earned in and outside India?
Whether Recent Immigrant is required to inform Government Authorities about his change in residential status and overseas assets that he holds?
Consider a person living in US on H1B work visa for the past 2 years. Prior to that he lived and worked in India and had opened a PPF account. Can he continue contributing to that account now? If so, what will be the tax implications?
What happens on maturity of his PPF account (if he is NRI)?
Can relative of NRI take actions on behalf of NRI while he is outside India?
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