Touch ID / Fingerprint Login Service - Terms and Conditions

    • These supplemental terms and conditions are further to Deutsche Bank’s (Bank) rights under paragraph Terms of Use of the Mobile Banking Service Terms and Conditions (MBTC). Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the respective meanings assigned to them under the MBTC.
    • These terms and conditions apply to and regulate the use of Fingerprint Login Service through the MyBank India Application (Application) by a Customer on his / her Authorized Mobile Device.

For the purposes of these terms and conditions Fingerprint Login Service means the feature to access the Application of the Bank through a fingerprint authentication instead of an alphanumeric username and password.

For the purposes of these terms and conditions Authorised Mobile Device / Mobile Device shall mean any Samsung device with version 4.4 and above and other android device with version 6.0 and above and / or Apple device with iOS version 8.0 and above, which supports the Touch ID / Fingerprint authentication feature.

—    The Customer unconditionally accepts that upon enabling the fingerprint authentication on the Application and accepting the terms and conditions he / she shall be bound by these terms and conditions which shall be supplemental to the MBTC.

—    The Bank offers the Fingerprint Login Service to the Customer on these terms and conditions. The Customer understands that usage of the Application will imply the deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions made by the Bank and accepted by the Customer shall form the contract between the Customer and the Bank.

—    The Customer understands that the Fingerprint Login Service  allows the Customer to use his / her fingerprint (as registered on the Authorized mobile device) in lieu of the mobile or online banking username and password to login; as a prerequisite to the Customer accessing and using the Mobile Banking Service.

—    The Customer understands and acknowledges that the Fingerprint Login Service is a feature that is only permitted to be used on an Authorized Mobile Device which supports fingerprint authentication in addition to other modes available to access a Mobile Device.

—    The Customer understands and acknowledges that the Fingerprint Login Service is an extension of the Mobile Banking Service provided by the Bank and the Customer while using such Fingerprint Login Service shall also be bound by the terms and conditions that govern the Mobile Banking Service.

—    These terms and conditions are in addition to and not in substitution / derogation of the general business conditions; the wealth management terms and conditions; and such other terms as may be prescribed by the Bank from time to time in relation to the Services.

    • The Customer unconditionally agrees and acknowledges that for him / her to be able to use the Fingerprint Login Service, the Customer must:
      •  possess an Authorized Mobile Device which supports the feature of fingerprint authentication as a passcode to unlock the Mobile Device;
      • enable and use the fingerprint / Touch ID as a passcode to unlock his / her Mobile Device instead of an alphanumeric passcode;
      • be an existing and valid user of the Bank’s Mobile Banking Service;
      • install the Application on his / her Authorized Mobile Device; and
      • enable the Touch ID / fingerprint feature to login on the Application on the Authorized Mobile Device
    • The Customer undertakes to ensure that only the Customer’s fingerprints are recognized by the Authorized Mobile Device to access the device and the Customer unconditionally acknowledges that upon enabling or the successful registration of the Fingerprint Login Service, any fingerprint that is stored on the Authorized Mobile Device shall be used to access the Application, including access to the Customer’s account details and statements
    • In the event a Customer selects to enable the Fingerprint Login Service on the Application, the Bank shall issue a one-time Disclaimer. The Customer understands that on selecting ‘Enable’ or proceeding to activate the Fingerprint Login Service, it shall amount to implied acceptance of the Bank’s Disclaimer on the Application interface.

For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the Disclaimer shall mean and read:

“Upon enabling Fingerprint Login on this Application, any registered and identifiable fingerprint(s) on this Mobile Device will have access to this Application”.

  • The Customer undertakes to take all measures to ensure the protection of the passcode / security code. The Customer undertakes to prevent unintentional registration of multiple fingerprints on the Mobile Device to avoid giving unauthorized access of the Customer’s bank account through the Application.
    • To access the Fingerprint Login Service, the Customer is required to log into the Application and enable the feature of a Fingerprint ID / fingerprint authentication by accepting these terms and conditions. The Customer will thereafter provide the Application with his / her login credentials and proceed to login on the Application.
    • The Customer undertakes to read, understand and acknowledge these terms and conditions prior to registering his / her fingerprint for the purposes of the Application. Upon enabling the fingerprint authentication on the Authorized Mobile Device the fingerprint used as a passcode to unlock the Authorized Mobile Device will be encrypted and stored on the Application and shall be retrieved for future logins. The Customer may disable this function at any time, by deregistering or disabling this feature on the Application.
    • The Customer understands and acknowledges that each fingerprint that is registered as a passcode to unlock the Mobile Device will be synced with the Application and upon enabling the fingerprint login feature shall be recognized as an authorized fingerprint. As a consequence of this recognition, the Customer understands that the Application shall be automatically logged in, every time the Mobile Device is unlocked by a registered fingerprint.
    • In the event of any repugnancy or inconsistency between these terms and conditions and the MBTC, these terms and conditions shall prevail over the MBTC, to the extent of such repugnancy or inconsistency.
    • The Customer understands and acknowledges that it shall comply with Applicable Laws and the RBI guidelines while using the Fingerprint Login Service.
    • In order to prevent any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions, the Bank provides a two-factor authentication process prior to the Customer undertaking any financial transactions through the Application. The Customer understands that once the Mobile Device is unlocked, it amounts to an automatic synchronized login into the Application and access to the Customer’s bank account on the Mobile Device. The Customer understands that for the purpose of a financial transaction, the Customer shall have to provide with a one-time password (OTP) that shall be sent on the concerned Mobile Device pursuant to a request to undertake a financial transaction, made by the Customer. Further, the Customer shall have to provide the relevant Transaction Password, without which, no financial transactions will be permitted through the Application.

For the purposes of these terms and conditions Transaction Password means the password created by a Customer at the time of creating his / her online or mobile banking account, which is required every time a Customer wishes to transact using the electronic banking service.

The Bank unconditionally assumes that the Customer will protect the Transaction Password by not disclosing the same or storing it on the Mobile Device, for the purpose of undertaking secured and authorized transactions only.

  • The Customer understands that a transaction will only go through on providing the Transaction Password, without which the fingerprint shall only provide viewing access to the Customer’s account through the Application.
    • The Customer has the option of accessing the Application through using his/her registered username and password instead of the Fingerprint Login Service.
    • The Customer unconditionally agrees that in the event the Application recognizes a fingerprint on the Authorized Mobile Device, the Customer is deemed to have accessed the Mobile Banking Services and / or instructed the Bank to provide access through the Application.
    • The Customer understands and acknowledges that the fingerprint authentication by the Application is done by interfacing with the fingerprint authentication module on the Authorized Mobile Device.
    • The Customer has the option to deactivate the Fingerprint Login Service at any time.
    • The determination and attribution of liability of the Customer and / or the Bank in relation to any unauthorized transaction will be determined in accordance with the RBI Circular on ‘Customer Protection - Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorized Electronic Banking Transactions’ dated July 06, 2017 (Circular).
    • The Customer undertakes to inform the Bank of any unauthorized transaction through the Application at the earliest after the occurrence of such transaction or from the Customer receiving information about the same.
    • In the event, that the Customer informs the Bank about any breach or compromise of security in relation to the fingerprints or other passcode / security code, the Customer may be required to change the registered fingerprints on the Mobile Device, deactivate or disable the Fingerprint Login Service and / or cease the use of the Application forthwith.
    • The Customer unconditionally agrees and provides consent to the Bank for accessing and using any and all information limited and in relation to the Fingerprint Login Service.
    • The Customer undertakes and agrees to protect his / her Authorized Mobile Device at all times and shall be responsible for any access / usage on and through the Application (whether undertaken and / or authorized by the Customer or otherwise).
    • The Customer understands and agrees that the fingerprint authentication is a feature that is inbuilt in the authorized Mobile Device and is provided by the relevant provider and is not created or developed by the Bank. The Customer acknowledges that the Bank does not, in any way, warrant or represent in relation to the security or the extent of security of such fingerprint authentication / Fingerprint ID feature on the Mobile Device or the functionality as per the design of the concerned manufacturer, and the role of the Bank is limited to providing an Application that interfaces with this feature and recognizes the fingerprint(s) used to unlock the Mobile Device, to replace the requirement of entering a username and password with a fingerprint authentication.
    • The Bank does not guarantee or warrant the undisturbed functioning, availability or access of the Fingerprint Login Service and this shall be solely subject to the Mobile Device, the software, the network and / or any other stipulations under the MBTC.
    • The Bank undertakes that subject to Applicable Laws, the Bank shall not be held responsible for any damage, harm or loss incurred or suffered by the Customer in the event of an attempted or an unauthorized use of the Fingerprint Login Service or the Application or any instructions or request made by the Customer (whether undertaken and / or authorized by the Customer or otherwise) or the consequence of any unauthorized transactions, otherwise to the extent provided for in the Circular.
    • Except as set out above, the provisions of the MBTC will remain unchanged and will continue in full force and effect and continue to be binding on the parties thereto in accordance with its terms, as amended herein.
    • Governing Law and Jurisdiction of the MBTC is deemed to be incorporated into these terms mutatis mutandis.